:: blame the extended gestation.... ::"If I start describing what I want to do, i'll end up not seeing the point in doing it." Blogging on Politics, Music, and culture... | |
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:: Monday, February 28, 2005 :: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are Health care costs temper business optimism Universal Health Care will never happen in this country until big business demands it. As health care costs rise and companys are left holding the bag the more you will see a push towards some kind of solution to this problem. Dictionary.com/misandry Misandry-- Hatred of Men:: Sunday, February 27, 2005 :: "A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.":: Friday, February 25, 2005 :: MSNBC - Teen sex increased after abstinence program:"Abstinence-only sex education programs, a major plank in President George W. Bush?s education plan, have had no impact on teenagers? behavior in his home state of Texas, according to a new study." Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog: Europe on Iran, China on North Korea, US on the sidelines:"Europe leads on Iran, while China hosts the six-party talks. If nothing else, this signals the limits of U.S. military power right now: our inability to do the SysAdmin job in Iraq means there?s little we can do on either Iran or North Korea. Ultimately, we?ll end up living with the consequences of this strategic weakness, which is why we?d be so much better off seeking dramatically better answers in the short-term with serious leadership instead of watching from the sidelines. Iran will get the bomb, and Europe will end up making the deal. North Korea will eventually implode, and what Asia will get is a dominating China with America nowhere in sight. " Stiglitz on Social Security Yahoo! News - Kraft Halts Production of Roadkill Candy:"Production of candy shaped like roadkill has come to a screeching halt. The decision, announced Friday by Kraft Foods Inc., was the result of an outcry by New Jersey animal rights activists who said the candy encouraged children to be cruel to animals. " Social Security tsunami photos from a digital camera found in Thailand. Another fascism alert...Leiter Reports: Gingrich: We Need a Law: Being Anti-American is Grounds for Dismissal:: Thursday, February 24, 2005 :: Seed Magazine: Science is Culture an interview with Greg Graffin CornellEvolutionProject.org - Statement of Purpose & Background:"Evolution and religion may not be at war, but no agreement seems possible in their most basic tenets. Traditional religions are based on dualism, and evolution is strictly materialist. Dualism is founded on a belief in the supernatural. The materialist position forms the basis for belief in naturalism, which holds that 'the empirical procedure of exploration and verification is the only known reliable method of discovering truth' (Smith, 1952). For the materialist, the supernatural has no basis in reality but instead is an unwarranted distraction brought about through mythology. "Greg Graffin, the lead singer of Bad Religion, has published his Phd Thesis from Cornell The New York Times > Business > Economic Scene: Some Economists Say the President of Harvard Talks Just Like Them::: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 ::"BEFORE he went into government at the World Bank and Treasury Department, Lawrence H. Summers was a star economist. The habits of mind that made him a successful researcher - including the style and rhetoric that economists use when they talk to each other - help explain why he is now embroiled in controversy as president of Harvard."For some reason I've always liked following Harvard gossip... CNN.com - 'Minutemen' plan?to patrol Arizona border - Feb 21, 2005:"Intent on securing the vulnerable Arizona border from illegal immigrant crossings, U.S. officials are bracing for what they call a potential new threat this spring: the Minutemen"Nothing scares me more than civillians doing work that should be done by government. Third Party Politics:: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 :: BBC NEWS | Business | US rejects UK plan to boost aid:"The US remains opposed to a UK proposal to boost aid for the world's poorest countries, saying it is unnecessary. " Hedera: Five Golden Rules for Presentations:"Don't ever begin with an apology. Put Social Security details on the table:: Monday, February 21, 2005 ::We know from experience our President’s administration has a tough time processing information. Recall that cost estimates of the Medicare drug benefit weren’t even in reality’s ballpark. The Bush administration’s newest estimates are more than double what they swore to 20 months ago when pitching the plan to Congress. The Weekly Standard on Hunter S. Thompson's suicide. The End of the Counter-Culture He got it. Seems like they never did...:: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 :: Majikthise : Juan Cole savages Jonah Goldberg::: Friday, February 04, 2005 ::"The only thing better than Juan Cole's denunciation of Jonah Golberg is James Wolcott's account of Juan Cole's denunciation of Jonah Goldberg. " Majikthise : Jane Galt and Henry Farrell on terrorism and academia::: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 ::"What on earth would motivate a relativist or a nihilist to carry out a suicide attack? " I just saw an advertisement for Boogeyman this new Horror film coming out. Its rated PG-13. Who wants to see a PG-13 Horror movie? Well I dropped off the face of the earth for a while. But I'm back again and will be blogging soon. No one missed me and thats something i'm quite proud of. I try my best.
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