:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

"If I start describing what I want to do, i'll end up not seeing the point in doing it." Blogging on Politics, Music, and culture...
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:: Sunday, April 14, 2002 ::

ICC Passed
66 countrys as of April 11th. Should be interesting to see what happens.

Nations line up...

:: Jim Nichols 4/14/2002 10:48:00 PM [+] ::
Can't be neutral on a moving train
Last night I finally listened to System of a Down, people have been telling me for a long time now that i'd like them. I had liked that one single but never got around to listening to anything else. Went nuts last night and downloaded a ton of songs. I likes, I likes. Metal and Hardcore are the same in my book, I have to have the lyrics before I think there is any quality in it. Hell I listen to Assuck and thats not even music. Plus anybody who quotes Howard Zinn in a song is okay in my book.

:: Jim Nichols 4/14/2002 01:13:00 AM [+] ::
"People have a careless way of talking about a 'born liar,' just as they talk about a 'born poet.' But in both cases they are wrong. Lying and poetry are arts--arts, as Plato saw, not unconnected with each other--and they require the most careful study, the most disinterested devotion." -Oscar Wilde --The Decay of Lying

:: Jim Nichols 4/14/2002 01:03:00 AM [+] ::
I stayed away for a few days!! Which is always a good thing I guess. Info overload--wake up arguing with myself-- and just don't care to process anything new. Oh I saw this movie this morning before I went to sleep called Over the Edge. I was about this planned community called New Grenada (sic) and these "crazy--out of control" kids. Its sooo bad. I loved it. I wonder if thats what The Wipers song of the same name is from. Its gotta be, around the same time at least. I saw Ghost World, my dad kept trying to get me to go when it was in the theatres, finally got around to renting it. It was good, I enjoyed. Pure disillusionment, great lines, strange secondary characters. Thora Birch and Steve Buscemi were a hoot...

:: Jim Nichols 4/14/2002 12:50:00 AM [+] ::

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