:: blame the extended gestation.... ::"If I start describing what I want to do, i'll end up not seeing the point in doing it." Blogging on Politics, Music, and culture... | |
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:: Friday, November 18, 2005 :: Chomsky on intelligent design:: Thursday, November 17, 2005 :: Well duhh ooppss Maureen Dowd interviewBlogs have made my life difficult, because with everyone trying to have an opinion, it's hard to think of anything original to say when you have to wait three days for your column to be published. It's like now we're in a whole nation of opinion writers, so what makes yours special? You have to work even harder. This reaffirmed my recent hunch/revelation that the academic world was not for me. Intelligent design's five favorite myths great quote In challenging war's critics, administration tinkers with truth I have been saying this all along. For instance here:: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 :: Is it true? The Washington Note found something quite amusing. Document put together by Henry Waxman on the administrations deceptions on Iraq Gulf Coast slavesHalliburton and its subcontractors hired hundreds of undocumented Latino workers to clean up after Katrina -- only to mistreat them and throw them out without pay. Dick Cheney ever try to tell people Saddam might be behind 9/11? Young Voters Led Surge in 2004 Election NBC Chief: Liberals Don't Watch TV Bill Clinton calls Iraq 'big mistake':: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 ::"The mistake that they made is that when they kicked out Saddam, they decided to dismantle the whole authority structure of Iraq. ... We never sent enough troops and didn't have enough troops to control or seal the borders," Gilmore Girls transcripts Since I'm a card carrying member don't ask me why I went to this site. But they had an interview with Instapundit which is kind of interesting. California Insider goes on a rant about public financing of elections Pelosi proposes technology strategy Democrats to push science, research in midterm elections A Failure of Strategyin order to appease Colin Powell and/or Tony Blair, the administration eventually found itself at the UN, sponsoring resolutions and offering ultimata. Thus, the ready-made preemption/prevention morass got dragged into yet another idea -- coercive diplomacy, where threats of war are intended to produce not war, but compliance with demands. Unfortunately for Bush, Saddam unexpectedly wound up substantially complying with his demands and inspectors entered the country. It was here that we got the very most egregious dissembling about weapons of mass destruction. Inspectors were on the ground, not finding weapons, debunking certain specific administration claims, and asking the US for the rest of the evidence to substantiate all the big talk. Decoding Mr. Bush's Denials:: Monday, November 14, 2005 :: Is Bush a War Criminal?:: Sunday, November 13, 2005 :: Italy Seeks Extradition Of 22 CIA Operatives
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