:: blame the extended gestation.... ::"If I start describing what I want to do, i'll end up not seeing the point in doing it." Blogging on Politics, Music, and culture... | |
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:: Friday, August 13, 2004 :: Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle (washingtonpost.com):"Since 2001, President Bush's tax cuts have shifted federal tax payments from the richest Americans to a wide swath of middle-class families, the Congressional Budget Office has found, a conclusion likely to roil the presidential election campaign. " Unemployment rises in region - 2004-08-13 - Sacramento Business Journal:"Sacramento, Placer and El Dorado counties hit 5.7 percent unemployment in July, with the area losing 5,600 wage and salary jobs, according to preliminary data released Friday by the state. " California unemployment rate declines to 6.1 percent - 2004-08-13 - Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal::: Monday, August 09, 2004 ::"The percentage of people jobless in California dropped to 6.1 percent in July, down from 6.3 percent in June, the state Employment Development Department said Friday." Just saw Paul Krugman and Bill OReilly on msnbc. It was funny. Bill got all pissed off and just threw around a bunch of slurs attacking Krugman and his "leftist" pals. Current Electoral Vote Predictor 2004 New US strategy: 'lily pad' bases | csmonitor.com::: Sunday, August 08, 2004 ::"US forces are repositioning overseas forces, opting for smaller, transitory bases in places like Kyrgyzstan." Just got John Zallers The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. I think I may have found what I want to do in grad school.
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