:: blame the extended gestation.... ::"If I start describing what I want to do, i'll end up not seeing the point in doing it." Blogging on Politics, Music, and culture... | |
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:: Friday, July 30, 2004 :: The reason I don't support the death penalty is the fact that I think letting someone die doesn't punish them it lets them escape. Making someone get up every single day and do nothing for the rest of there lie seems like a far greater punishment than killing them and letting them get out of life. I wasn't too impressed with Kerrys speech. He seemed too uncomforable. The last five minutes were okay.:: Thursday, July 29, 2004 :: One of the most uncomfortable things about watching the convention is watching people who don't give speechs have to give speechs. One of the most uncomfortable things about watching the convention is watching people who don't give speechs have to give speechs. The Democratic Convention:: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 :: Al Sharpton rocks...:: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 :: I just rented Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton and Lauren Graham. Its funny as shit. Its all about being a shitty drunk santa claus that robs malls. I have a real problem with putting kids on stage. Kids don't know what they think, they aren't mature adults. Dean's speech wasn't much to write home about. Dean got a big ovation. Good for him. He gave the democrats a backbone again. I saw Micheal Moore on O'Reilley. Moore is a putz who isn't a very good debater. I thought his movie sucked, it was drawn out and mostly Liberal masturbation. Don't get me wrong Bowling for Columbine was a really good movie. 911 wasn't.:: Monday, July 26, 2004 :: I still haven't decided if I'm voting for Nader or not. I gave Kerry money I might still give Nader my vote. AlterNet: Why Is Everybody Picking on Poor Ralph?:"the best reason that Nader should run, beside the fact that it's his right, is that he will be the only presidential candidate that will stress rigid environmental protections, corporate responsibility, massive funding on public education and health care, a minimum wage increase, and a speedy withdrawal from Iraq. He will also stress long overdue, and much needed campaign reform. That would include more public funding, same day voter registration, equal access to TV time for qualified independent candidates, and instant run offs. He would also rekindle the debate on proportional representation." Ted Turner on the big media problem AlterNet: MediaCulture: My Beef With Big Media: Industries & Communities - bizjournals.com:"With Georgia's obesity costs weighing in slightly above the national average, businesses, government agencies and hospitals are feeling the bite of an epidemic that continues to drive up health-care costs."
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