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:: Monday, July 26, 2004 ::

Ted Turner on the big media problem AlterNet: MediaCulture: My Beef With Big Media:

"The founder of CNN explains why big media conglomerates pose a serious danger to democracy."

"In the media, as in any industry, big corporations play a vital role, but so do small, emerging ones. When you lose small businesses, you lose big ideas. People who own their own businesses are their own bosses. They are independent thinkers. They know they can't compete by imitating the big guys – they have to innovate, so they're less obsessed with earnings than they are with ideas. They are quicker to seize on new technologies and new product ideas. They steal market share from the big companies, spurring them to adopt new approaches. This process promotes competition, which leads to higher product and service quality, more jobs, and greater wealth. It's called capitalism."

:: Jim Nichols 7/26/2004 01:30:00 PM [+] ::
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