:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

"If I start describing what I want to do, i'll end up not seeing the point in doing it." Blogging on Politics, Music, and culture...
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:: Saturday, April 06, 2002 ::

I left the cabinet door unlocked, the kids got a hold of my magnum opus...I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt... Miss Sarah left last week and I haven't had the urge to run get her or even get out of bed...so instead... hey go to the store and buy beer. PBR in a bottle. I didnt know there were such wonderous things in the world, but there is much I don't know. Standing in line I see Lorelai on the cover of some girl mag... so to the embaressment of those around me I did what any self respecting guy would do... I jumped up and down for a good five minutes pleading for my dad to buy it for me. Untill I realized I had come by myself and would have to make the all important 2 dollar question on my own. ANd so I leave the store by 12:20 with my beer...two packs of cookies (I know, the lady at the check-out yelled at me... I believe the exact words were "eweeh cookies and beer?") and a seventeen. pg 44 chic butterfly accessories. pg 94 how to tell mom you had sex. pg 144 Gilmore Girl power (?). I think this is called not studying. I couldn't make these things up if I tried.

:: Jim Nichols 4/06/2002 03:41:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 ::
Why do you hate America so much?

:: Jim Nichols 4/03/2002 12:33:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, April 01, 2002 ::
Wheres Nato when they really need to be bombing the fuck out of a rogue nation this conflict has gone on too long. The international community sans the U.S. has said for years that Israel is in violation of international law which is terrorism on a grand scale. Plus sharon's a war criminal from back in the day... there should have been more vocal opposition against him from the start.

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 08:43:00 AM [+] ::
In the 5th century B.C. there was a rabble-rousing
Athenian, a politician named Hyperbolus, who often made
exaggerated promises and claims that whipped people into a
frenzy. But even though it sounds appropriate, Hyperbolus's
name did not play a role in the development of the modern
English word "hyperbole." That noun does come to us from Greek
(by way of Latin), but from the Greek verb "hyperballein,"
meaning "to exceed," not from the name of the Athenian

Merriam-Webster, Inc.

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 08:30:00 AM [+] ::
"I don't understand it. They sound like children on teams, more interested in being right than finding truth. I seriously don't get it. These people are children dressed as adults, pretending their grown-up games are more important now that their hair is thinning, or leaving. I wish I could understand, then maybe I don't. I already see solutions invisible to indifferent eyes content in struggle masquerading as a reason to survive. I don't think understanding would help anything, though I don't see how
I could be much more frustrated watching these Pagliacci clowns bickering over imaginary agendas yielding nothing in the end other than empty, short-termed victory ever-elusive, ever-fleeting.

But I am too, lying I mean. I understand why they do what they do, why they think what they think. It's not complicated understanding why people believe what they believe they need what the need and believe what they read and so I do understand. I do know why. What I don't know is why I don't, or how I can make them like me and this world a Utopia, and why I can't be like them and never change a thing. Breathe out... wait, I'm just typing that but not actually breathing. Ok, there we go." -Voltaaron

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 08:24:00 AM [+] ::
I know not the authenticity of this but as with all quotes I don't really care.....this is funny

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,we'd all be
running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive
electronic music."
- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989.

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 07:58:00 AM [+] ::
Bill Clinton will always and forever be my hero I mean like to the point of tears in the eyes when I speak of him to my children... terribly unsucessful liberal (old sense not neo dlc liberal) but a political maverick the likes of we might not get to see for a while. Plus the Right hates him more than they hate me. And when he started debating the definition of is...ah... what else is there in life... The man is smart, witty, and you never ever know when to believe him.

"“One night last year he called about 1 a.m. ranting and raving about something,” says Julia Payne, his spokesperson. “And I said, ‘Sir, are you watching Fox again?’”

“I think being angry or resentful is totally destructive,”

“The biggest wounds in life are all self-inflicted,”

"While he says he’ll probably write 1,200 pages and cut it in half, nothing has been turned in yet to Robert Gottlieb, his editor at Knopf, and longtime Clinton associates fear that, as one says, 'the process is going to be what all Clinton writing projects are—a train wreck.' ”

“That bartender’s Social Security shouldn’t be sacrificed to cut my taxes”;

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 07:08:00 AM [+] ::
It has recently been brought to my attention that motherfucker is in the dictionary. No joke, go see for yourself "...must be in response to the requests for a synonym for "compassionate conservative." (-Bob)

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 06:57:00 AM [+] ::
That ever important question when looking at the clock at 6 am when you're supposed to get up at 10 am... do I keep trying to sleep or just give up and start my post-spring break as I ended the pre. Exhausted. Hey it adds that special spice to the day you do have to admit. On another...an...other. Hey check that out. Nevermind...on another note the blue ribbon panel I set up to decide the most appropriate plan of action for filling the next 40 years of drab boring and existentially unavoidable angst has come to an interesting breakthrough. I think it had something to do with my creative output and lack of intellectual output over spring break... I successfully wrote 4 songs and got some decent work on that play I begot from the gods and got very little work at all on my research paper because it may be interesting to me but is not enjoyable in the I wanna wanna wanna. What with the only 3 going arguments for the universe leaving me either in a place of perpetual expansion where everything goes black, in a state of stagnant circling, or in one really big crunch... i’m starting to see that improving the educational understanding (for myself and the market of ideas) isn’t the thing that gonna keep me enticed into productively sticking around since my endeavors have always been (or should I say began) in showing “them” that “they” aren’t the “good” people “they” claim “they” are, not in finding how “I” am (cause I’m not) or could better be “good” people...whatever that means. So I go to option...errr wait what am I on now.... e I believe. M.F.A in creative writing, where I get to work on that novel thingy i’ve been thinking about and if it does poorly well I can teach other people to fail miserably doing what they love. And its that economic stability that really is the sticking point, gotta teach something in the end I guess--i’m so not rebellious-- living in someone’s closet just doesn’t seem like “fun” at least knowing my neurotransmitters. I was reading this interview with Michael Chabonearlier and it all kinda fell into place. That smack you upside the head so hard it turns ya purple (purple like the dinosaur not that transparent lollipop purple) and makes you say, “well gee i’ve known that for a while now, why’d it take me so long to admit it to myself”. If I'm gonna go into debt for grad school it should be doing something crazy and stupid and fun(ny) not something that constantly reminds me how crazy stupid and (un)fun(ny) most you people are.

Dave Edelman: Michael, you attended a writing program... Do you feel that these programs help writers? Is writing a skill that can be taught?

M.chabon: They help first and foremost in that they give a new writer time, encouragement, and financial support when it's most crucial...and the company of other new writers is extremely valuable and helpful.

:: Jim Nichols 4/01/2002 06:46:00 AM [+] ::

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