:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Sunday, June 09, 2002 ::

See Change?

good points. good one-liners.

:: Jim Nichols 6/09/2002 09:01:00 AM [+] ::
Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Sciences, Second Edition

:: Jim Nichols 6/09/2002 08:54:00 AM [+] ::
Scientific Boehner:
The new creationism and the congressmen who support it.
by Iain Murray

"ID is not, however, true science. According to the eminent modern philosopher Karl Popper, the defining characteristic of science is that its assertions are falsifiable. In other words, if we have no means to prove a theory wrong -- by experiment, observation, and the like -- then it is not scientific. And theories that cannot be falsified simply have no place in science books or classrooms."

"The only scientific theory of life's origins thus far is the theory of evolution. ID may have a genuine role to play in the classrooms of philosophers or comparative theologians, but it certainly does not belong in the science lab. If creationists want to have their views taught, they must first meet the biggest challenge in history: proving the existence of God."

:: Jim Nichols 6/09/2002 08:46:00 AM [+] ::

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