:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 ::

Shopping at wal-mart
So as i'm walking up to the door, to do my part to degrade labor standards throughout the world, I notice this blond and I are gonna make it at the exact same time, she notices too and we both kind of did the "i'm not gonna look at you...just slow down" thing--errr actually she was looking at me through the sunglasses; appearntly I too was cheating. So i'm saying to myself...quick quick...say something witty. We both laugh (after we did the stutter step stop dance) and I wave her on through...mind still racing... I didn't want to be a hick and say "pretty girls go first" and all I could think was... "my ego isn't big enough to go first"(which was true). But the timing was by then off (spent too much time on the pretty girl comment) and it just would have been creepy at that point. But its perfect... i'm gonna use it next time that happens (never). You say... sorry my ego won't let me go in front of you...for distraction purposes. And as they try to figure out what exactly that meant...you stay next to them and say. So, you want to share a cart? If they don't laugh, quickly walk away...

:: Jim Nichols 7/30/2002 03:07:00 PM [+] ::

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