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:: Friday, November 05, 2004 ::

The Writing Is On the Wall...

Christians See Court Appointments as Top Bush Aim:
"Christian conservative leaders say their top priority in President Bush's second term is the appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court and throughout the judicial system.

'We have high hopes of changing the judiciary. Every judicial appointment that President Bush makes will make the courts less radical and more in tune with the voters who turned out in Tuesday's election,' said Gary Bauer, a prominent Christian conservative leader and president of American Values, a conservative pressure group.

Unprecedented turnout by evangelical Christians was a key factor in ensuring Bush's narrow victory over Democrat John Kerry in the election. Many were motivated by their opposition to same sex marriage and abortion. "

Moral issues won the day last Tuesday. From gay marriage to abortion rights... ladies and gentlemen we have a new culture war on our hands....

:: Jim Nichols 11/05/2004 07:42:00 PM [+] ::
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