:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 ::

The Washington Note Archives:
"Life goes on -- but the political life of some in the inner core of the Democratic Kremlin should be snipped. Can we arrange for a special video session between Donald Trump and Bob Shrum?? Shrum needs to go. McAuliffe needs to go. Big Time failures. Some bloggers are advocating clemency for those inside the Democratic house. Howard Dean had it right -- he refused to hire a lot of these retread barnacles who thrive on risk-aversion in the Democratic Party. That is why they helped kill the Dean candidacy.

The Democratic Party is broken badly -- and this election proves it. There must be a thorough cleaning out of the party apparatus and a realignment of interests and objectives."....

...Just think of this -- Kerry had Eminem, Bruce Springsteen, Move-On.org, Ron Suskind, Michael Moore, and many more people and incredibly innovative politically-loaded communications vehicles. All of these players and networks tried to infuse passion, vision, and a sense of consequence into Kerry's campaign, but they were not part of the core circle. Something is wrong with the machine when two similar types of candidates -- Al Gore and John Kerry -- get selected and both lose. They may be smart and have impressive records of duty and service to their country -- but Clinton and Bush do connect with people. That has to be part of the equation, and when the spirit and inspiration are missing in the core of Kerry's operation, when rumors get out that he is "whiney and a pain in the ass" from top staff people, there is something incredibly wrong.

:: Jim Nichols 11/03/2004 08:49:00 PM [+] ::
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