:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 ::

Leiter Reports: Editorials, News, Updates: Election Day in Ohio: A First-Person Account from a Lawyer Helping the Democrats:
"A factor that has not been widely discussed as an issue in the Bush victory is the totally disorganized state of the Democrats as campaigners. Will Rogers said, 'I don't belong to any organized political party -- I'm a Democrat.' But they were winning back then when he said that. Now it's not funny any more. As they used to say in Chicago, 'Votes Count But Organization Decides.' I saw little organization in Ohio."
Read the whole thing, it really gives you a good idea of the poor performance the democratic organization put on this year. I had a similar experience with a congressional race out here in Cali, after about a week I gave up.

:: Jim Nichols 11/10/2004 08:36:00 PM [+] ::
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