:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Sunday, October 10, 2004 ::

the dying is an art
like they say in the movies
and I, I am a rock
a million new inventions
evolved particles and bad luck genes
those manic little dreams
and a depressed old man walking off to die

I am that
and this
and all of these
and when you listen
the silence is damning
and each crunch crunch, boots on snow
and you scared like a flower in frost

I once upon a time thought I'd live
but now the dying seems more like a line
in some poorly produced passion play
I once upon a time thought I'd live
but now the time quickly walks away
and this is where the dying starts
for you and you and you
for all of you in the cheap seats

:: Jim Nichols 10/10/2004 10:40:00 PM [+] ::
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