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:: Monday, October 25, 2004 ::

2blowhards.com: The Scottish Enlightenment:
"My hunch about why we feel the post-Enlightenment pinch as acutely as we do is that the Enlightenment most of us know is the French Enlightenment. And those French, forever pushing things to absurd extremes. A Frenchman is apparently incapable of saying, 'Hey, cool: Reason!' and then adding it to his repertory. No, he has to believe in it, make a substitute religion of it, live it out to its logical conclusions ... And what does Reason lead to when it's pushed fanatically out as far as it can go? Barrenness, cafe existentialism, suicide, bizarre buildings, Catherine Breillat movies."

:: Jim Nichols 10/25/2004 10:45:00 PM [+] ::
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