:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, September 13, 2004 ::

TIME.com: "I've Been in Worse Situations" -- Sep. 20, 2004:
"America is not as safe as we ought to be after 9/11. We can do a better job at homeland security. I can fight a more effective war on terror. The standard of living for the average American has gone down. People's incomes have dropped. Five million Americans have lost their health insurance. The deficit is the largest it's been in the history of this country. They're taking money from Social Security and transferring it to the wealthiest people in America to drive us into debt. They're shredding alliances around the world with people we have traditionally been able to rely on. That's what bothers me. "

:: Jim Nichols 9/13/2004 12:43:00 AM [+] ::
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