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:: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 :: advertisement Supreme Court Refuses to Put Nader on Oregon Ballot :"The U.S. Supreme Court refused on Tuesday to include Ralph Nader as a candidate on Oregon's November ballot, dealing a blow to the one-time consumer advocate's independent bid for the presidency. " Leiter takes on instapunditThe Leiter Reports: Editorials, News, Updates: Ad Hominems, InstaIgnorance, and the Case of the Coming Draft::: Sunday, September 26, 2004 :: Yahoo! News - Organic Farming Studied As Demand Rises:"Organic farming sounds simple ? no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or genetically engineered plants. But succeeding at it can be complicated. A recent wave of research at universities around the country seeks to take some of the guesswork and financial uncertainty out of the practice. " SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Education -- CSU San Marcos president says Michael Moore visit would be illegal:"CSU San Marcos President Karen Haynes said yesterday that it would be illegal to have Oscar-winning filmmaker Michael Moore on campus before the presidential election. " Losing the war on terror.... And then the New York Times Magazine Cover Story is on blogs The New York Times > Magazine > Fear and Laptops on the Campaign Trail Blogging is all over the news today. First a peice on military bloggers... Key Bush Assertions About Iraq in Dispute: Yahoo! News - Candidates Gear Up for Crucial Debates::: Thursday, September 23, 2004 ::"This fall's presidential debates will pit George W. Bush's folksy manner and big-picture brand of policymaking against John Kerry's more cerebral outlook and nuanced world view. Each is a proven debater who knows, only too well, what personal pitfalls to avoid: Bush must stifle the smirk, for instance, and Kerry must cut short his rhetorical rambling. "I can't wait for Thursday. I'm glad Bush agreed on doing all three debates not only because I think Kerry can crush him but because I like the drama of the debates. Cafe Hayek: How the Media Works:"We think the media goes out and finds the news. Sometimes it does. But a lot of the times, it's the news trying to find the media. "This was one of the only blog postings on the Rathergate hoopla that I have liked.... he concludes by saying thatMemogate and Dan Rather's troubles should remind us that what you read in the newspaper and see on the news is not simply the events of the day. Much of what we read and what we see comes from an intense effort to influence us. Some of it is surely true. Some of it is untrue but accurate. Some of it is untrue and inaccurate. The lesson? Read widely and have lots of grains of salt at the ready. AlterNet: Finding Justice with Arundhati Roy:"The essence of what one is looking at is deeply political, but how one chooses to express that can change ? if for no other reason than that one wants to keep experimenting and not bore oneself to death, you know." AlterNet: DrugReporter: The Raid on Medicare:"The real cost of the Medicare prescription drug bill is finally emerging: The drug industry gets more than $100 billion in profits, while seniors and taxpayers get the tab. " AlterNet: Vegan, Head to Toe::: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 ::"While vegan foods have crept into the mainstream over the intervening years, vegan leather is still an oddity. But a growing number of non-leather stores want to change that. They see offering non-leather alternatives as key to bringing more people over to the vegan way of life, as a way to send the message that you can be vegan without giving up style and sophistication." Yahoo! News - Despite Bush Flip-Flops, Kerry Gets Label:"One of this year's candidates for president, to hear his opposition tell it, has a long history of policy reversals and rhetorical about-faces -- a zigzag trail that proves his willingness to massage positions and even switch sides when politically convenient." Cell Phone Ban May Not Reduce Wrecks:"Laws against driving while using cell phones would have little effect on the number of accidents, according to a new analysis of driver statistics by UC Davis economist James Prieger. Yahoo! News - Actors Filming Robbery Scene Arrested:"A group of Serbian actors filming a bank robbery scene played their parts so well that police mistook them for the real thing and hauled them off to a police station, a newspaper reported Wednesday. " Yahoo! News - Man Shoots Wife, Mistakes Her for Monkey:" A Malaysian man shot and killed his wife after he mistook her for a monkey picking fruit in a tree behind their house, the New Straits Times said on Wednesday. " Cafe Hayek: Kudos to Draft Dodgers::: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 ::"There's nothing especially noble or glorious about dying in a military campaign. To believe otherwise is to succumb to the mystical belief that the state is god-like, and that men and women exist for it. Three Linked to DeLay Indicted in Texas Scandal::: Monday, September 20, 2004 ::"Three men with close ties to U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay were indicted on Tuesday along with eight companies for illegal fund-raising activities in a political action committee formed by the powerful Texan. " Yahoo! News - Republican Senator Says He May Not Support Bush:"U.S. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a Republican moderate from Rhode Island, said on Monday he might not vote for President Bush in the Nov. 2 election. "I wonder how many moderate republicans will be abstaining this year. I wonder how many progressive liberals will be abstaining this year? Or they might be like me and vote Green. Okay i'm more than likely voting Green. But I'm not positive yet. Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger Vetoes Minimum Wage Bill:"Siding with his business allies, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed bills Saturday that would have raised the minimum wage to $7.75 an hour and required economic impact reports before local governments approve Wal-Mart-like mega-stores. " Orcinus:"It's pretty funny, really, how right-wing bloggers are serially breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for having exposed 'Forgerygate.' Actually, all they've really managed to prove is P.T. Barnum's famous adage, perhaps recast as 'There's a blogger born every minute.'" Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Extremist parties exploit German anxiety:"Germany's most overtly neo-Nazi party secured a footing in a regional parliament yesterday for the first time in more than a generation. " When it looks like war and smells like war... The New York Times > Magazine > Questions for Ray C. Fair: Bush Landslide (in Theory)!:"Are you a Republican? She pops pills, eats ice cream for breakfast and wanders the halls of the hotel without her clothes. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - The Region - 2003 Annual Report Essay - The Industrial Revolution: Past and Future:: Sunday, September 19, 2004 :: I'm watching Titanic and something struck me that always strikes me when I see a movie with a lot of death in it; I wonder how many people are injured during filming. Kevin Drum over at Political Animal says the Charter School Crash in California is a cautionary tale about the 'ownership society' The Washington Monthly:" The problem with privatizing public services is that, in the end, it's the government that picks up the pieces if the private sector fails. If you invest a piece of your Social Security in private mutual funds and your mutual fund collapses when you're 64, what happens? In theory, it's just tough luck and you're screwed, but we all know perfectly well that's not what would really happen. As with the S&L disaster in the 80s or the LTCM collapse in the 90s, if enough people are affected the government will step in and make them whole." ABCNEWS.com : GOP Mailing Warns Liberals Will Ban Bibles:"Campaign mail with a return address of the Republican National Committee warns West Virginia voters that the Bible will be prohibited and men will marry men if liberals win in November. " BBC NEWS | World | Europe | German far right makes poll gains:"Far-right parties have made gains in eastern Germany, poll projections show. " Yahoo! News - Republicans Criticize Bush 'Mistakes' on Iraq:"Leading members of President Bush's Republican Party on Sunday criticized mistakes and 'incompetence' in his Iraq policy and called for an urgent ground offensive to retake insurgent sanctuaries. " Yahoo! News - IAEA Inspectors in S.Korea for 2nd Investigation:"Inspectors from the U.N. nuclear watchdog arrived in Seoul on Sunday to conduct a second inspection of South Korea's nuclear experiments, a day after the South said it had no plans to develop or possess nuclear weapons. "I don't think this has been getting near enough attention. How do you expect to get North Korea to not push for nuclear weapons if South Korea is making waves trying to get them. Yahoo! News - True or false: Blogs always tell it straight:"If that sounds particularly convoluted, welcome to the 'blogosphere,' the chaotic new media world where questionable truths joust with plausible fictions, agendas are often hidden, and motives are frequently mixed, and millions of ordinary citizens clamber to offer their own rumors, opinions and jeremiads. All of which is either very bad or very good for the republic and the future of the American free press, depending on your point of view. " Yahoo! News - Bush's Cut-and-Spend Plan Is Math-Challenged:"But if he wins reelection, Bush will have tough choices of his own. Some analysts predict that much of his agenda would wither if he achieved what seemed to be his top priority: making permanent the tax cuts enacted in his first term. Doing so would cut government revenue by more than $1 trillion between 2005 and 2014. " Yahoo! News - State GOP Likes Its Chances::: Friday, September 17, 2004 ::"Powered by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's popularity, Republicans are launching their most aggressive assault in a decade on majority Democrats in the Legislature. " Gaba gaba hey... AP Wire | 09/16/2004 | Laura Bush brings campaign to hopeful Republicans:"'I'm here to support Mrs. Bush and President Bush,' Sweetapple said. 'I support them because they're pro-life. I respect what they do and they are born-again Christians.'"That about sums up most peoples support for Bush. You know you're getting old when Could it be God? Human ingenuity Deaf Kids in Nicaragua Give Birth to New Language::: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 ::"Deaf children thrown together in a school in Nicaragua without any type of formal instruction invented their own sign language -- a sophisticated system that has evolved and grown, researchers reported on Friday. Minnesota Poll: Bush inches up on Kerry:"On the eve of President Bush's bus tour across Minnesota, a new Star Tribune Minnesota Poll shows him potentially gaining ground on challenger John Kerry in what has long been a reliably Democratic state in presidential elections. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Bush and Kerry battle over science:"The leading international science journal Nature has focussed the US presidential election campaign on science by asking both President George Bush and Senator John Kerry for their views on the major issues." BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US blasts Saudi 'religious curbs':"In an unusual public rebuke, the US State Department put its key Arab ally on a list of states causing particular concern over freedom to worship. BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq war illegal, says Annan:"The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter" The New York Times > Washington > The Reconstruction: U.S. Intelligence Shows Pessimism on Iraq's Future:"A classified National Intelligence Estimate prepared for President Bush in late July spells out a dark assessment of prospects for Iraq, government officials said Wednesday. Eschaton:"CBS and Dan Rather have their problems which they're going to have to sort out, but as anonymous reminds us in comments, this is the key point: The problem with blogging through a hurricane (here .... http://weatherbug.blogs.com/, and here... http://redcoyote.blogspot.com/ ) is the power goes out and you can't give people any updates... Watch the wind blow The Role of Blogs in the world Don't think you'll hear this from Bush The Official Blog of CBS The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Kerry Sharply Criticizes Bush's Record on the Economy:"In a tough-worded, focused attack, Senator John Kerry lashed out at the Bush administration today over tax policy, jobs, the economy and health care."Now this is the Kerry I like to see... People on Mars Possible in 20 to 30 Years:"People could land on Mars in the next 20 to 30 years provided scientists can find water on the red planet, the head of NASA's surface exploration mission said on Wednesday. " Yahoo! News - Bush, Kerry to Finalize Debate Plans:"The co-chairmen of the nonpartisan presidential debate commission told representatives for President Bush and Sen. John Kerry on Wednesday that they must act immediately to finalize details for the debates, the first scheduled in just over two weeks. "So does anybody think Bush will pull out of one of the debates? I think they've been holding off to see if his convention bounce would be big enough for him to squeeze through doing only two debates. But I don't think his lead is big enough, he'll take a huge hit for skipping out on a debate. I'd guess around 2-4 percentage points. The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Vote Drives Gain Avid Attention of Youth in '04:"After dismal turnout by young voters in 2000, surveys this year show that interest in the election among the young is near the highest level it has reached at any time since 18- to 20-year-olds were given the vote in 1972. And state election officials say registration of new young voters is coming in at levels they have not seen in years.I've never understood the young people = apathy perspective. But then again my friends and I have always been political. New poll shows Bush bounce fading | csmonitor.com:"More than a week after the Republican National Convention - and in the wake of new questions about President Bush's National Guard service - the race for the White House is once again tightening, just as pollsters and strategists for both campaigns had predicted it would. " Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Sharon hints that Arafat may be killed:"Ariel Sharon has threatened that Yasser Arafat will meet the same fate as Hamas leaders who were assassinated earlier this year by the Israeli military. Save Wonderfalls:: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 :: Survey: Spend More on Health Care for Aged and Kids:"Most Americans do not feel that children or the elderly are getting adequate health care and a clear majority feel it is the government's job to pay for it, according to a survey released on Tuesday. Schroeder Won't Drop Equality Aim for East Germans The Washington Monthly:"Despite the best efforts of conservatives to scare everyone under 30 into thinking that Social Security is doomed, it's actually in fine shape. It's going to need some modest tax increases and some modest benefit reductions starting in about a decade, but that's it. People who suggest otherwise are either ignorant of the underlying numbers or else motivated by an ideological dislike of government programs for its own sake. A concern with providing stable pensions for the elderly doesn't seem to play a role." From Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond... Volume 2:: Monday, September 13, 2004 :: KnowItNow Science News Article | Reuters.com:"A stroke that robbed a woman of her dreams may help pinpoint where and how dreams are born in the brain, scientists said on Friday. Trash talk trumping policy talk | csmonitor.com:"'Bush wins in the war on terrorism, and loses on everything else. But Kerry is off his game.... If Kerry can get it back to the economy and healthcare and stem-cell research, he wins. But he has to get his footing.'"Amen... Looking for the great leap forwardGuardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports | Revive union festivals, say Benn and Bragg:"Tony Benn and Billy Bragg joined together today at the TUC conference in a bid to revive traditional trade union events such as the Durham Miners' Gala." Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Roll out the barrels:"Simon Jeffery offers a rundown of the weapons that can legally be sold in the US again from today "This is the best article I've seen on the issue so far today... Yahoo! News - $3 Trillion Price Tag Left Out As Bush Details His Agenda:"The expansive agenda President Bush laid out at the Republican National Convention was missing a price tag, but administration figures show the total is likely to be well in excess of $3 trillion over a decade. " California Insider - Single payer blues Yahoo! News - Study: Racial Profiling a Growing Problem:"Authorities' targeting of people because of their racial background or religious affiliation is a deep-rooted problem in the United States, with nearly 32 million people reporting they've been racially profiled, a human rights group said Monday. Yahoo! News - Something You Can't Do in California...:"Having sex with corpses is now officially illegal in California after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill barring necrophilia, a spokeswoman said on Friday. The New York Times > Books > Sunday Book Review > 'I'll Be Your Mirror': The Art of the Interview:"In the end, what comes through in ''I'll Be Your Mirror'' is a special kind of resoluteness, Warhol's remarkable and admirable poise. Though he was a churchgoing Roman Catholic, he lived without God, without ideals or aspirations. Abstractions meant nothing to him. Existence was the here and now. Warhol's world was a landscape out of Samuel Beckett, cold and desolate. Art for him wasn't a transformative endeavor but merely ''something to do,'' a way to pass time. ''Why do people buy your art?'' he was asked. ''I don't know,'' he answered. His passivity mystified people. He in turn was mystified by them. How could they maintain their illusions, go on telling lies to themselves to give meaning to their lives? He was as tough-minded as the bleakest existentialist; Danto calls him the ''closest to a philosophical genius of any 20th-century artist.'' Warhol explained his outlook this way: ''I always had this philosophy of: 'It really doesn't matter.' '' And in an interview with Roman Polanski (not included in this volume), he elaborated: ''People make such a big thing out of living and it really isn't that important. . . . You go to bed at night and you fall asleep and it's all over. Then you wake up the next day and you have to start all over again.'' " TIME.com: "I've Been in Worse Situations" -- Sep. 20, 2004::: Sunday, September 12, 2004 ::"America is not as safe as we ought to be after 9/11. We can do a better job at homeland security. I can fight a more effective war on terror. The standard of living for the average American has gone down. People's incomes have dropped. Five million Americans have lost their health insurance. The deficit is the largest it's been in the history of this country. They're taking money from Social Security and transferring it to the wealthiest people in America to drive us into debt. They're shredding alliances around the world with people we have traditionally been able to rely on. That's what bothers me. " Calling all QWERTY typists. The Fall dance... Marginal Revolution: The Economists' Voice:"We--that is, Joe Stiglitz, Aaron Edlin, and I [Brad DeLong]--aim to start an online publication, The Economists' Voice, to be 'published' by Berkeley Economic Press, to try to remedy this situation. The two youngest of us are confident that we have a very good chance of succeeding. Our confidence is based on one fact: Joe Stiglitz thinks that this will work, and his judgment in this area is very good, as is shown by the remarkable success of the Journal of Economic Perspectives which has greatly increased the flow of information across the subfields of economics, and done a remarkable job of welding the American Economic Association into a stronger intellectual community.Could be interesting Size of Battleground May Be Smaller Than Expected (washingtonpost.com):"The Kerry campaign and Democratic Party officials face difficult choices in the coming days involving the allocation of millions of dollars of television ads and the concentration of campaign workers as they decide whether to concede some states to Bush that they earlier hoped to turn into battlegrounds. Bush may have to do the same but on a more limited scale. " UA study suggests people reminded of 9/11 support Bush::: Friday, September 10, 2004 ::"Worried about another Sept. 11-style attack? HoustonChronicle.com - Mentally ill inmate denied water, nearly dies:"A mentally ill Dallas County jail inmate was cut off from drinking water for nearly two weeks and denied psychiatric medication for almost two months, according to an internal investigation. He nearly died."Prison abuse is certainly more common than we like to believe Yahoo! News - Study: Bush Judges Most Conservative on Rights:"A study of thousands of federal court cases has found that judges appointed by President Bush are the most conservative on record in the areas of civil rights and civil liberties. " Article: Global suicide toll exceeds war and murder?| New Scientist:"Suicide kills more people each year than road traffic accidents in most European countries, the World Health Organization is warning. And globally, suicide takes more lives than murder and war put together," The Washington Monthly::: Thursday, September 09, 2004 ::"George Bush is not responsible for the recession that began in 2001. What he is responsible for is the fact that our recovery from that recession has been the worst in the last 30 years." Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog: Gaming War in the Context of Everything Else:"The terrorist attacks of 9/11 gave us a glimpse of what 'asymmetrical warfare' in the 20th century is going to be all about. It won't just be some other great power or some regional rogue keeping America from accessing some future battlespace they hope to own, because frankly, there ain't no such thing as a conventional battlespace anywhere in the world that our military force cannot access. Asymmetrical warfare in the future is going to feel more like you're trying to play football while the other guy has decided to play soccer. In other words, you won't be playing the same game, with the same rules, or even the same scorekeeping.I'm reading this guys new book called The Pentagon's New Map: War and peace in the twenty-first century.... Yahoo! News - Health Care Premiums Jump 11.2 Percent:"Health care costs continued to surge this year as family premiums in employer-sponsored plans jumped 11.2 percent, the fourth year of double-digit growth, according to a new study. " Yahoo! News - U.S. Hid Dozens of Iraqi Prisoners, Investigators Say:"The United States may have kept up to 100 'ghost detainees' in Iraq off the books and concealed from Red Cross observers, a far higher number than previously reported, an Army general told Congress on Thursday. " Yahoo! News - Powell: Sudan Abuses Qualify As Genocide:"The Bush administration for the first time on Thursday called attacks in Sudan's Darfur region by government-backed Arab militia against black Africans 'genocide.' "If its genocide you should commit troops... yes? no? maybe? Excite News::: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 ::"For about $10 million, city officials believe they can turn all 135 square miles of Philadelphia into the world's largest wireless Internet hot spot." BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | N Korea warns of arms race:"North Korea has said the admission by South Korea that its scientists secretly enriched uranium in 2000 threatened a new nuclear arms race. " Boston.com / News / Nation / Bush fell short on duty at Guard:"Bush fell well short of meeting his military obligation"But nobody cares... Salary squeeze threatens middle America | csmonitor.com:"recent Census data confirm that the median household income - a level where half of US households earn more and half less - has fallen by $1,500 between 2000 and 2003."The middle class thats big enough to fit in your front pocket.... Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Aid agencies say they may pull out of Iraq:"The remaining international aid agencies in Iraq are considering pulling out of the country after the kidnapping of four humanitarian workers" Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | UK sets Iran deadline to end nuclear bomb work:"The British government yesterday set a November ultimatum for Iran to suspend all activities linked to production of a nuclear bomb - a deadline that effectively marks the failure of more than a year of negotiations between Tehran and the European troika of Britain, France and Germany. "Is Blaire pulling a Bush? Bush pulling some strings? Or is it just more talk? USATODAY.com - Fewer foreigners enrolling in grad school:"U.S. graduate schools this year saw a 28% decline in applications from international students and an 18% drop in admissions, a finding that some experts say threatens higher education's ability to maintain its reputation for offering high-quality programs."I think this is a sample of the world we will inherit from Bush II. A less globalized world, which is a far more dangerous world. Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania... The only states that matter??The Senate Dominoes Are Again Teetering: Current Electoral Vote Predictor 2004::: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 ::"The biweekly Zogby poll of 16 battleground states taken Aug 30 to Sept 3 has now been released." Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal: A Weblog: A Few Quotes on the Administration's February Employment Forecast: "'What has gone wrong with the economy to leave us with an employment level 1.7 million below what you projected last February that it would be by now?' " TAPPED: September 2004 Archives:"ALABAMAS EVERYWHERE! I've long wondered why anyone would take seriously the notion that the country as a whole ought to adopt the low-tax, low-wage, no-union, no-regulation formula that's brought such a lack of economic success to the Deep South, but if I were to say that I'd be castigated as some kind of northeastern elitist, so I'll just quote son-of-the-south Ed Kilgore instead: Current Electoral Vote Predictor 2004: "Bush and Kerry are now tied in Minnesota. " Yahoo! News - Reclusive Russian May Have Made Maths Breakthrough::: Monday, September 06, 2004 ::"A reclusive Russian may have solved one of the world's toughest mathematics problems and stands to win $1 million -- but he doesn't appear to care. "Its all about brilliant people... Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican: "Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican" "What If Bush Wins" by a panel of 16 experts: "Predictions on the likely consequences of a second term for President Bush. " "The Left Learns from Goldwater" by Todd Gitlin: The New York Times > Education > Good Schools or Bad? Ratings Baffle Parents:"Students are returning to classes across the nation amid a cacophony of contradictory messages about the quality of their education, as thousands of schools with vaunted reputations have been rated in recent weeks as low-performing under a federal law. Prez track 2004:"The Rasmussen Reports Presidential Tracking Poll shows President George W. Bush with 48% of the vote and Senator John Kerry with 47%. " Industries & Communities - bizjournals.com:"President Bush and Sen. John Kerry have starkly different views on how to solve what many consider a health care crisis. The state's voters also will be asked to decide on controversial Proposition 72, a referendum on legislation that would require midsize and large companies to provide health insurance for their workers. " My final thoughts regarding the republican convention... the Democrats did a lot of talking, and too much talking about John Kerry and his war record. The republicans on the other hand did a lot of fantasizing. The problem with the fantasizing was that many people aren't able to factually combat the fantasy world the republicans put up for that taking. The republicans have been office for four years and they spent the entire convention not talking about the success they've had in four years they talked about the successes they will have in the next four years. But shouldn't we judge you not on your possibility but your record? The hunt for slave outposts in the Amazon | csmonitor.com::: Thursday, September 02, 2004 ::"According to the Brazilian government, as many as 40,000 slaves - the majority of them poor, uneducated, and unskilled - are currently laboring under brutal conditions. Many are lured to the rain forest by ranchers - with the false promise of princely wages - to clear the trees. Once here, they have neither the money nor the means to leave. As the coordinator of one of the government's seven Mobile Anti-Slavery Units, it is Silva's job is to set them free." Battle over Bush's economic legacy csmonitor.com: US standing with Arabs hits a low | csmonitor.com:"A June poll by Zogby International in six Arab countries showed that America's already-limited esteem in the Arab world has plummeted since the invasion of Iraq. Just two years ago, Zogby found that 76 percent of Egyptians had an unfavorable impression of the US. Today, that number is 98 percent." Current Electoral Vote Predictor 2004 Eleven Public Opinion Insights on the Election
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