:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Saturday, June 05, 2004 ::

New Major... new major...

"The Program in Technocultural Studies (TCS), a new addition to the University of California at Davis, is based among the fine and performing arts, literature and cultural studies in the Division of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies, and is designed to be open to a diverse range of interests from across the campus.

We concentrate on transdisciplinary approaches to artistic, cultural and scholarly production in contemporary media and digital arts, community media, and mutual concerns of the arts with the scientific and technological disciplines. In contrast to programs which see technology as the primary driving force, we place questions of poetics, aesthetics, history, politics and the environment at the core of our mission. In other words, we emphasize the 'culture' in Technoculture."

:: Jim Nichols 6/05/2004 11:51:00 AM [+] ::
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