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:: Saturday, May 15, 2004 ::

American Prospect Online - ViewWeb:
"The deficits are now projected at $400 billion this year and at comparably destructive levels for the indefinite future. The tax cuts are responsible for more than $3 trillion in long-term revenue losses over 10 years. And Greenspan hasn't even spoken out against the president's campaign to make the cuts permanent.

Just imagine the outcry from Greenspan, Wall Street, and the Republican Party if these deficits had been the result of social spending rather than tax cuts for America's wealthiest. For half of the cost of the projected deficits - $200 billion a year - we could have universal, high-quality child care and health insurance for all Americans. Think of that."

:: Jim Nichols 5/15/2004 10:59:00 AM [+] ::
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