:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, April 05, 2004 ::

Radio Killed the video star... and the other greatest hits for 13 year olds...

I'm not big on being nostalgic by way of calendar but the radio is doing a ten year anniversary of Kurt Cobain's suicide so I woke up to it. It feels really odd how something that shouldn't matter to you can still bring up so many memories; how something can have such a dramatic effect on the direction of a persons life. Without Nirvana and that teenage obsession with his suicide I never would have found my way to punk rock, never would have dropped out of high school, never found my way to backpack through Europe, never would have made my way through LA City, never would be here at Davis. Then again i'm bi-polar so all of that probably would have happend without some redneck depressive from washington killing himself.

:: Jim Nichols 4/05/2004 09:33:00 AM [+] ::
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