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:: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 ::

Unfortunately I have a feeling this is the kind of thing Bush means when he says some Democrats are getting protectionsist...

Yesterday the Times had a piece on the AFL-CIO push for penalties against China. They claim 727,000 factory jobs have been lost because labor violations have artificially lowered Chinas production costs--thereby undercutting American companies. They argue the repression of workers rights translates into a 43% cost advantage on average. It appearantly is the 1st case ever brought under the Trade Act of 1974 that seeks penalties over violations of workers rights. Some trade experts argue the claim could be vulnerable to challenge at the WTO because global trade rules do not protect labor rights.

The AFL=CIO is asking Bush for punative tariffs of up to 77%, rightfully so, with 3 million factory jobs since Jan. 2001, the AFL-CIO needs to represent its 13million American workers, it needs to fight for them. hell the State Departments latest annual human rights report states the China "continues to deny internationally recognized workers rights."

Free trade isn't about letting Chinese factories ban independent labor unions, or torturing and arresting strike leaders. This is something the U.S. is going to have to learn quick, especially when China is projected to be adding more factory jobs in the next 5 years than the total number of factory jobs in the US, Europe and Japan combined.

:: Jim Nichols 3/17/2004 01:04:00 PM [+] ::
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