:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, March 22, 2004 ::

Libel Suit May Put Gov. on the Spot:
"Less than 24 hours before last October's recall election, a petite stuntwoman named Rhonda Miller stood before a row of television cameras in Los Angeles and alleged that Arnold Schwarzenegger had twice sexually assaulted her on movie sets.

But before her charges made the evening news, the campaign of Arnold Schwarzenegger had dismissed Miller's accusation and raised a claim of its own, suggesting in an e-mail that reporters should see whether Miller had a criminal record."

Maybe its just my partisan nature, but it seems like Clinton got a lot more press for his shall we say... failings. Rightfully so? Maybe. Thats just my take...

:: Jim Nichols 3/22/2004 02:44:00 PM [+] ::
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