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:: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 ::

Its showtime...

The President of the Continental Congress and first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay, wrote that "the people who own the country ought to govern it." James Madison said the goal of the constitution was "to protect the minority of the opulent from the majority." This was the America of our founding fathers, the America that enshrined racism and sexism in the founding documents; and this is the America of George Bush, an America where those who can pay get to play and the rest get to sit and watch.

I often wondered how the myth of America--work hard and you too will succeed--could be so cherished by Americans when their founding fathers whole intent was far from the egalitarian democracy we are taught to believe in; I often wondered how those who were of voting age could sit and watch the decade of Reagan. I now understand.

I now understand how systemic barriers keep information from the public. Manufacturing consent is the name of the game, not just some stupid leftist book. The resident of the white house took a contested election and veered right without looking back. In three years we have seen tax cuts for the wealthy, war and aggression, our environment sabotaged, our civil liberties "put on hold", and arrogance become our stated foreign policy. A year ago we saw the single largest anti-war protest in the history of world... a protest directed at our leader and his so called "leadership."

George Bush knew the right-wing policies of the past three years would not be accepted by the general population; that is why George Bush chose to be a war time president. Because when we hide from the world and let our benevolent father figure protect us from the hobgoblins and bogey monsters of the world we forget to look outside our own window.

Well its time to start looking again.

And that's why its time to put our money where our mouth is. Here is the link to John Kerry's website:


Follow the link and contribute money. And if you can't, find 5 other people who can. Have a smaller coffee, or one less beer at the bar from now until the election. George Bush wants us to be spectators and not participants. He wants us to be voters and not contributors--because voting does nothing and money everything. He wants us playing progessivist games of political nuance--no we aren't stupid, like Clinton before him Kerry will compromise our goals. John Kerry will not end American militarism, will not give us single payer health care, will not put people before corporations, because these are all systemic failures of this country that one man cannot take on. But John Kerry is a step in the right direction. A direction worth our time, our passion, and our money.

:: Jim Nichols 3/02/2004 07:57:00 PM [+] ::
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