:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, March 01, 2004 ::

Greens seek pan-European political clout | csmonitor.com:
"Thirty years ago a handful of ecology-minded activists threw themselves into the European political fray and succeeded, over time, in turning what had been radical environmental demands into mainstream, conventional concerns.

Now the Greens are going against the grain again. Even as Europe flounders in its search for cohesion, and Europeans retreat further into their national identities, 32 Green parties have founded the first pan-European political party with a transnational election platform and continental reach."

The Greens have done well in Europe, the two party oligarchy here won't allow for a viable third (or fourth) party in the U.S.--which is really too bad. We are the worse for it, less chance of fresh new ideas coming into play. We always talk about capitalism and how it brings in fresh new ideas; well in politics multi-party systems are the way to inovation.

:: Jim Nichols 3/01/2004 02:21:00 PM [+] ::
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