:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, March 29, 2004 ::

And in the 'this guy needs another hobby' category we have...
'Wichita Eagle' Gets Letter From Serial Killer: "WICHITA, Kan. (AP)
After 25 years of silence, police have apparently heard again from the BTK Strangler, a serial killer who terrorized the city during the 1970s.

A letter sent last week to The Wichita Eagle contained information on a 1986 killing and included photos that appeared to be of the victim's body. Police are examining the letter for DNA and other evidence.

'The photographs appear to be authentic,' said Lt. Ken Landwehr, who has been working the BTK case for 20 years. 'I'm 100% sure it's BTK.'"

:: Jim Nichols 3/29/2004 05:43:00 PM [+] ::
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