:: Monday, February 23, 2004 ::
"Reason is the law of the world and...therefore, in world history, things have come about rationally" --Hegel
Hegel looks outward towards Man as a social being--the outer life of man, he uses world history to illustrate Reason. Schopenhauer looks within man and forms his thesis by "following facts connected with the inner life of man":
"The will, as the thing in itself, constitues the inner, true, and indestrucible nature of man..."
At least in Hegel's Reason in History and Schopenhauer's The World as will and Idea we have two different starting points... Hegel is looking at the rationality of the world and Schopenhauer is looking at the rationalilty of man's nature.
:: Jim Nichols 2/23/2004 03:42:00 PM [+] ::