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:: Sunday, February 22, 2004 ::

Nader 2004

Here's my take on a Nader 2004 campaign. I'll call it the Kucinich factor. I assume most people who voted for Nader tend to be idealistic AND intelligent. (Thats my key assumption... if untrue all bets are off) I think that having one more person attacking Bush from the left is a good thing. I think sticking Kerry next to Nader makes Kerry seem centrist; you can't argue Kerry's a Mass. Liberal when Naders railing on and on about Universal Health Care. I don't think Nader will draw a large vote, I truly believe most his former voters and allies want Bush out more than they dislike Kerry. I'm glad Nader's in, I want to hear him rail against all the hobgoblins he rails against--someone needs to be talking about it; but I'm certainly not going to vote for him.

:: Jim Nichols 2/22/2004 05:08:00 PM [+] ::
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