:: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 ::
California Insider - Liz Hill: gov's budget won't close shortfall: "Even if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wins approval for his bond measure and all of his budget proposals, he still will face a budget gap of more than $7 billion a year from now and an ongoing shortfall of about $5 billion, Legislative Analyst Elizabeth Hill said in her comprehensive review of the governor's fiscal plan. "
I don't know how i'm going to vote on the bond. I wish there was a "yes if..." choice on the ballot. I'm for the bond if they raised taxes. But i'm not thrilled about the idea of paying off a bond tomorrow if they won't raise taxes on people today. But if the bond doesn't pass i'm afraid there will be even more cuts in programs--not that cuts would be necessary, there would be other ways but the other ways just aren't politically appealing to most voters.
:: Jim Nichols 2/18/2004 05:11:00 PM [+] ::