:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, January 19, 2004 ::

tonypierce.com + busblog:
"maybe one reason that some people have a hard time grasping the importance of mlk is that when many of us look back at the 60s we see it as a time of great change in civil rights and social acceptance, but the summer of '63 wasnt the summer of '69.

'63 was the year that valium was invented. a year that the andy williams show, the dick van dyck show, and walt disney's wonderful world of color were winning emmys in variety, comedy, and childrens programming respectively.

the most aggressive thing happening in music was that the beatles were writing i wanna hold your hand.

tony bennet and ella fitzgerald were winning grammys for best male and female solo vocal perfomance respectively.

the grammys named peter paul and mary the best group due to their hit, if i had a hammer.

so when martin luther king got on that podium and said that he had a dream of little black kids walking down the street holding the hands of little white kids, that was probably as punk rock as it got in those lilly white days before the civil rights act."

:: Jim Nichols 1/19/2004 09:12:00 PM [+] ::
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