:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, January 19, 2004 ::

"Drake University student union. Student Dean rally and concert with Joan Jett and Janeane Garofalo. A decent turnout. Crowd quietly milling about. A few minutes into the set, Joan Jett is interrupted by a troupe of young men (with identical short haircuts) and young women -- all dressed in business suits. They wave Bush/Cheney 04 signs. Anti-Dean slogans are yelled. A Flat George replica bandied about. A second group joins in and soon, the chants drown out the music. They are surrounded and shifted away from the hall. One grabs a Dean sign and rips it in half, smiling and posing for cameras. The music returns. The crowd is still jagged from the interaction. Murmurs in the crowd. ... muffling dissent ... censorship ... taste of what's to come... this is why we need our country back... Fox News cameras are there at the concert before the disruptions begin. At a small student gathering. Go figure. "

:: Jim Nichols 1/19/2004 06:03:00 PM [+] ::
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