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:: Sunday, January 11, 2004 ::

Its time to raise taxes Gov.

sacbee.com -- Opinion -- Mark Paul: Only taxes hurt? Think again:
"Schwarzenegger describes our plight as being in 'a spending crisis.' But had he phrased that differently, saying 'we have a crisis of too-lavish public services,' I doubt many Californians would have agreed. With school funding lagging the national average, congestion growing, colleges turning away students and the number of families without health coverage rising, the case that California has too many public goods is hard to make, except perhaps for prisons.

The budget issue, Levy says, is really an investment decision. It's about where we best use 1 percent of California's output: on the private consumption we least value or on the highest-priority public goods."

:: Jim Nichols 1/11/2004 01:38:00 PM [+] ::
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