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:: Saturday, December 27, 2003 ::

We're still stretching for anything aren't we boys...
BBC NEWS | Politics | Bremer rejects Blair WMD claims:
"The prime minister said in a Christmas message to UK troops that the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) had unearthed 'massive evidence' of clandestine labs.

The head of the Coalition Provisional Authority said it was not true.

Paul Bremer, said it sounded like a 'red herring' made up by someone to upset the rebuilding effort.

Former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has also said Mr Blair's assertions are untrue. "

And for the "Say what???" comment of the day:
"'Now, frankly, these things weren't being developed unless they were developed for a purpose.' "

:: Jim Nichols 12/27/2003 07:09:00 PM [+] ::
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