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:: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 ::

Wal-Mart rollout - or rollback? | csmonitor.com:
"as Wal-Mart stores continue to spread across the US, community opposition is also mounting from critics who say its 'always low prices' mean always low wages for nonunion workers and that its famous 'rollbacks' on goods roll over local businesses and economies."

The other day my dad and I were watching tv when a Wal-Mart ad ran. It went something to the effect of how Wal-Mart is helping to "revive" communitites, creating jobs, yah-dah yah-dah yah-dah... we just started cracking up. But then again the other day I was thinking, and anyone a little more up on econ feel free to email me, but should we expect companies to provide living wages, and health care, and all that jazz to employees. Or would the government be the better environment to facilitate those kinds of benifits? Now of coarse if you're against socialism and want competition and a market you're gonna want corporations to provide that stuff since to truly get the gov involved in the way it should be you would be taking the market out of the equation.

:: Jim Nichols 12/23/2003 10:30:00 PM [+] ::
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