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:: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 ::

That place was cool...
The Observer | International | End is nigh for the commune that kept hippie dream alive:
"But the people of Christiania, a 30-year-old self-governing commune in central Copenhagen, are far from jolly. There is a sense of unease in the chill, damp air that drifts in off the Baltic and the North Sea. For the 1,000 strong 'alternative community' knows this Christmas may be its last.

Ever since local hippies, performance artists and homeless people seized a complex of old military barracks and refused to co-operate with the state 32 years ago, conservative politicians have sought to close Christiania down. Now, for the first time in Denmark's recent political history, an alliance of the commune's harshest political opponents has a majority in parliament. A law will be passed within months in effect ending the commune's de facto autonomy. Eviction notices will be issued shortly afterwards. "

When I was in Copenhagen, I went with a friend. We wandered around, it seemed kind of drab to be honest. We watched a soccer--errr scuse--football match a bunch of people had worked up.

:: Jim Nichols 12/31/2003 12:19:00 PM [+] ::
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