:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 ::

Superpowers act out of self-interest, not morality. by George Monbiot:
"It is no use telling the hawks that bombing a country in which Al Qaeda was not operating was unlikely to rid the world of Al Qaeda. It is no use arguing that had the billions spent on the war with Iraq been used instead for intelligence and security, atrocities such as last week's attacks in Istanbul may have been prevented. As soon as one argument for the invasion and occupation of Iraq collapses, they switch to another. Over the past month, almost all the warriors - Bush, Blair and the belligerents in both the conservative and the liberal press - have fallen back on the last line of defence, the argument we know as 'the moral case for war'. "

:: Jim Nichols 12/30/2003 08:39:00 AM [+] ::
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