:: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 ::
"The Post-Modern President" by Joshua Micah Marshall: "Every president deceives. But each has his own style of deceit." And this president takes part in the most noxious of kinds. For instances The American Prospect is noting the recent WSJ article in regards to the fact that once again (TAPPED: December 2003 Archives): "the Bush administration is rejiggering official government data to make things look better than they really are." This time in regards to health care. This is a far more serious form of corruption, I think, than most people realize. The Bush administration's systemic distortion of government-produced data undermines the entire policy process and compromises honest debate. If you don't have a handle on what problems exist, you can't have a worthwhile debate about fixing them.
:: Jim Nichols 12/23/2003 10:45:00 PM [+] ::