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:: Thursday, December 25, 2003 ::

Nothin says manipulation of the facts like "the Bush adminstration"

Journalists Take Flak in Iraq:
"When US Central Command has good news to report in Iraq, as it did after troops from the Fourth Infantry Division captured Saddam Hussein on December 13, it adores the media. But journalists say that when there's bad news--a helicopter crash, a mortar attack--they are increasingly being blocked from covering the story by US soldiers, who frequently confiscate and destroy their film disks and videotapes. "
Gettin' the soldiers to do the dirty work eh there George?
"'Our journalists in Iraq have been shoved to the ground, pushed out of the way, told to leave the scene of explosions; we've had camera disks and videotapes confiscated, reporters detained,' says Sandy Johnson, Washington bureau chief for the Associated Press."

:: Jim Nichols 12/25/2003 12:01:00 PM [+] ::
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