:: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 ::
Message to Republican College Kids: Vote for Bush and You'll Get the Draft! - A BuzzFlash Editorial: "The Bush Administration denies interest in a draft. But with an increasing number of men and women not re-enlisting in the army and not joining the reserves, where do you think that the new soldiers for Bush's endless war will come from? They are going to run out of foreigners who are joining the army and dying in order to get posthumous citizenship.
So, before the complacent young Republican college kids vote for Bush in November, they should think twice about this reality: Bush's February, 2005, surprise will be the reinstitution of the draft."
One question... the way things are going isn't the draft going to be inevitable? Granted a democrat will likely be able to bring in more foreign support but still we've got problems
:: Jim Nichols 12/24/2003 10:41:00 PM [+] ::