:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, December 25, 2003 ::

"The Untied Way is a program of small cash donations to individuals for use in self-identified need areas.
Here's how it works. Go to your local ATM and withdraw $200 in 20s. It can be more or less, but make sure it's just a tiny bit more than you can afford. It should hurt just a little, so you'll know that you're making a choice.

Take your self and your 20s down to any area of town where people might ask you for money. (If you don't know any, San Francisco's Market Street is always reliable, and it's easily accessible by public transportation.)

Walk along. Hand a $20 bill to any person who asks for money. Repeat until you are out of money. Congratulations: You have become an Untied Way volunteer. You will not get a T-shirt.
It is true that some of your recipients may use the money for self- destructive purposes. That is not ideal, but neither was it ideal when you used your money for self-destructive purposes. We're all just trying to figure it out as we go along, and your fine home or apartment does not place you closer to enlightenment. "

:: Jim Nichols 12/25/2003 02:24:00 PM [+] ::
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