:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Sunday, December 21, 2003 ::

How attacks on Dean may impact race | csmonitor.com:
"Dean memorably stated that Hussein's capture 'did not make America safer' - an assertion that runs counter to post-capture polls, which show a solid majority of Americans believing the war has made them safer."

Jesus! Am I the only one who agree's with Dean that capturing Saddam doesn't make us safer? We're gonna find an enemy, if only to have an excuse to keep up military spending, so you can't claim that getting rid of Iraq as a threat makes us safer because the idea that Iraq was a threat is a joke. In fact the reason we went after Iraq is precisely because they wouldn't be able to put up a real fight... Kuwait was spending more on their military for christ's sake!

:: Jim Nichols 12/21/2003 05:36:00 PM [+] ::
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