:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 ::

Hold on a second...
AlterNet: Uncensored Gore Vidal:
"It's lucky for George W. Bush that he wasn't born in an earlier time and somehow stumbled into America's Constitutional Convention. A man with his views, so deprecative of democratic rule, would have certainly been quickly exiled from the freshly liberated United States by the gaggle of incensed Founders. So muses one of our most controversial social critics and prolific writers, Gore Vidal."

Give me a break..names like Alexander Hamilton come to mind rather quickly... I'm pretty sure Bush would have had no problem finding some blue-blooded buddies back in the day.

update: See you have to read the whole article before you blog... i'm trigger happy I guess...
"So you'd find Hamilton pretty much on the Bush side."

:: Jim Nichols 12/31/2003 07:01:00 AM [+] ::
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