:: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 ::
Eeeegads look who I am.
Honestly i've never read any Heidegger, but this guy in my Nietzsche Zarathustra seminar said I should read him. Also it kind of sucks that i'm already dead--but that does help to explain a few hunches i've had.
You are Martin Heidegger! Your reputation is stained a bit by the fact that you were a member of the Nazi party, but your groundbreaking Being and Time is still read by a whole lot of people. You overuse the hyphen, and make up a lot of words. You died in 1976.
What 20th Century Theorist are you? brought to you by Quizilla
update: I felt frisky and had to change one thing. Now i'm: You are Jacques Derrida! You founded Deconstructionism in 1966, and have been a thorn in people's sides ever since. You argue that texts cannot be reduced to a single meaning, among other things. You are dense, impenetrable, and not dead.
What 20th Century Theorist are you? brought to you by Quizilla
But i'm going to have to tell you not to believe it. (If you get it please smile; if you don't, don't worry it wasn't funny at all)
:: Jim Nichols 12/31/2003 03:29:00 AM [+] ::