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:: Saturday, December 27, 2003 ::

Economic Scene: The True Costs of S.U.V.’s:
"TRAFFIC fatalities in the United States fell steadily from 54,600 in 1972 to 34,900 in 1992. But then they started to rise again, and by 2002 there were 38,300 traffic deaths a year.
Our performance compared with other countries has also deteriorated. America's ranking has fallen from first to ninth over the last 30 years, with Australia, Britain and Canada all having better records.

A big part of the difference between the United States and other countries seems to be the prevalence of sport utility vehicles and pickups on American highways. Sales of light trucks - S.U.V.'s, pickups and minivans - were about a fifth of total automobile sales 30 years ago. Now they account for more than half.

But aren't large vehicles supposed to be safer than small cars? Yes, they are safer for their occupants in collisions, but their design makes them all the more dangerous for anyone they hit."

:: Jim Nichols 12/27/2003 06:58:00 PM [+] ::
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