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:: Sunday, December 21, 2003 :: The Decembrist: Medicare Post-Mortem II -- The Message and the Liberal Quandary:"So long as liberalism is defined principally by its greater generosity, more benefits, more taxes, more government, etc., it will be vulnerable to the manipulations of quasi-conservatives who can spend recklessly to buy power, always protected by the assumption that the liberals' alternative would be even more reckless.""But there has to be a way to use the reality, now proven over at least four presidential administrations, that Democrats are responsible, moderate, and get more out of government for less, while Republicans are reckless, irresponsible, rob the future, and produce exactly the kind of government that we don't like. I don't know how best to convey that point, but as long as the distinguishing characteristic of liberalism is 'more,' we can't get that point across. We need a way to talk about the future, about security, about doing more with less, about letting the private sector do what it can do best but not insulating it from risk."
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