:: Monday, December 29, 2003 ::
BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis: "You see, for years and years, it was assumed that American TV viewers wanted really dumb sitcoms because that's all that networks fed them and that's all they watched. But when, at long last, viewers were given quality choices -- Cosby (in his early years only), Hill St. Blues, Cheers -- they watched the quality shows.
News consumers in the U.S. have been fed only attempts at impartiality or objectivity. But now they have choices; they can watch FoxNews and read the Guardian and click on weblogs -- and they do. So perhaps all along, that's what news consumers have wanted: not dull attempts at impartiality but perspective honestly revealed, bias admitted, opinion included."
:: Jim Nichols 12/29/2003 05:29:00 AM [+] ::