:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, December 29, 2003 ::

Am I overly paranoid or are they just stupid? Or even worse: both

Army Stops Many Soldiers From Quitting (washingtonpost.com):
"According to their contracts, expectations and desires, all three soldiers should have been civilians by now. But Fontaine and Costas are currently serving in Iraq, and Eagle has just been deployed. On their Army paychecks, the expiration date of their military service is now listed sometime after 2030 -- the payroll computer's way of saying, 'Who knows?'

The three are among thousands of soldiers forbidden to leave military service under the Army's 'stop-loss' orders, intended to stanch the seepage of troops, through retirement and discharge, from a military stretched thin by its burgeoning overseas missions. "

Oh but believe us when we say we aren't even thinking about bringing back the draft...

:: Jim Nichols 12/29/2003 09:20:00 AM [+] ::
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