:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 ::

Youth is beauty, money is beauty, hell beauty is beauty sometimes...

Its 3:30... to sleep or not sleep? Does it matter. I have a paper due last week, the professor was cool about it. I just haven't been able to get myself to sit down and write it. I haven't been able to get myself to sit down and do anything. I feel rather lazy and pretty much a waste of space right now; not that the space could possibly be better used--I can be quite spunky at times (....good thing?).

So now i'm just sitting here chilling out, listening to Ani ("So here I am, publicly morphing into some kinda Fortune 500-young-entrepreneur-from-hell, and all along I thought I was just a folksinger !") di and wondering what my life is supposed to amount to. its Okay cause it doesn't have to add up to a hill of beans, making mountains out of molehills is a long forgotten hobby and life is definitely a molehill looking for a mole.

:: Jim Nichols 11/12/2003 03:50:00 AM [+] ::
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