:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, November 06, 2003 ::

WHATEVER: Confederate Dean: "Given the utter incompetence of the Democratic party in making its case to poor and working class white people, who vote for Republicans for inexplicable reasons, I would suggest Dean needed to make a statement like this to get his shot across the bow. "

"It is just cynical politics on Dean's part? Could be. Or he could be telling the truth: Someone needs to go ask all the Rebel Boys what they really get out of voting for someone like Bush, whose economic policies ram all working class people of every color right up the cheeks. If the other Democratic candidates are too worried about political correctness not to speak the language these guys talk and address them on their terms, I don't see how they can expect to get their vote in 2004. And if they're not planning to try to get the vote of millions of southern white guys, then they've pretty much already lost and can go home now. "

:: Jim Nichols 11/06/2003 12:28:00 AM [+] ::
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