:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::

tonypierce.com + busblog: "theres good news and bad news to having more than a dozen readers to your blog. lets start with the bad news.

bad news is, if you find yourself in a moment of sadness and you want to write about that feeling, people will start emailing and commenting with words of advice. which is super nice. dont get me wrong. but sometimes a guy just wants to write about how depressed he is, just to vent.

other bad news comes when the guy's mom reads about how he wants to fling his black helicopter into the side of a mountain. it can be hard to explain to her that what he's writing isnt literal, that its symbolic, dramatic. its not a cry for help. its just representative of wanting the madness to end. it's far from suicidal."

:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 10:59:00 AM [+] ::
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