:: Friday, November 21, 2003 ::
Thoughts Arguments and Rants: Government and Health
For amusement I was traipsing through the OECD health stats for various countries, and I was stunned by one of the things that springs out of the data - health care systems that are government run or funded tend to be cheaper despite being just as effective in every respect, and more effective in some respects. I'm sure someone somewhere has analysed the data properly, but even a crude analysis suggests the empirical case for having a government run or funded health care system is quite strong.
what is wrong with the world. Who thinks we shouldn't be forced to all get the exact same kind of health care treatment no matter how much we make. I bet once rich people had to put up with the same health care system as homeless people did then health care would actually end up pretty fucking good. Its amazing how people work like that....
:: Jim Nichols 11/21/2003 01:03:00 AM [+] ::