:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::

Sad if true... sad if not true
One of the most powerful things about the web is the fact that it has allowed people to see how easy it is to manufacture truth; how many sides there can be to one story; and so on and so on. I think its really healthy because it makes people ask those scary questions: whats real?; whats true?; how do you know?; who do you believe?

Apperently this women who had an aol online journal died in a car accident and her friend has come on to her journal to tell everyone.

Is it real? Death from a car accident is something so unimaginable you want it to be a hoax. Creating a hoax about something like that is so disgusting that you just want to curl up in a ball and beg for truth, and the existence of a stable objective world, to suddenly appear and make everything okay and understandable for that little voice inside your head. As Buzzmachine notes:
See the discussion in the comments on whether this is legitimate. I hate such discussions. People wondered whether Salam Pax was real even as the bombs were falling on him. People wonder whether this is real. It's an important part of what we do as a community: This is fact-checking the new way. But it's (a) sick if someone made this up and (b) sad that we have to wonder.

:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 04:34:00 PM [+] ::
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